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"Attention is all you need."

Learn to code

  1. CS wiki

  2. Developer Roadmaps

  3. iCodeThis

  4. 30 Days of JavaScript

  5. Beginner Projects

  6. Guide to x86-64

  7. Deploy a Web App on AWS Amplify

  8. Introduction to video & audio development with FFmpeg & SDL2


  1. A Step by Step Backpropagation Example for Regression using an One-hot Encoded Categorical Variable by hand and in Tensorflow

  2. Understanding Machine Learning Theory Algorithms

  3. Unofficial Google Colaboratory Notebook and Repository Gallery

  4. 国内算法岗攻略

  5. Deep Learning Specialization - DeepLearning/Coursera

  6. PyTorch Implementation with Detailed Documentation

  7. Data Engineering Roadmap

  8. Fundamentals of Data Visualization

System Design

  1. System Design Cheatsheet

  2. The System Design Primer

Job Prep

  1. Software Engineering Interview Course - Exponent

  2. Operating System Questions