👋 Hello

This is the tutorial for making this blog website

Zola is a static site generator (SSG), similar to Hugo, Pelican, and Jekyll (for a comprehensive list of SSGs, please see Jamstack). It is written in Rust and uses the Tera template engine, which is similar to Jinja2, Django templates, Liquid, and Twig.

Install Zola

Zola provides pre-built binaries for MacOS, Linux and Windows on the GitHub release page.
Find the installation methods for your machine in the official website.

Zola Init

To initialize a new Zola project called blog:

$ zola init blog

During the initialization process, you can go with all the default options. Any modifications needed can be made in the configuration file later.

The directory structure after initialization looks like:

├── config.toml       # Zola configuration file
├── content           # Place to store Markdown files
├── sass              # CSS extension
├── static            # Global static resources
├── templates         # Template files
└── theme             # Zola themes

Now, you can run:

zola serve

And view Zola's default welcome page at

Zola Themes

This guide (my blog) uses the "anemone" theme. Feel free to explore the existing themes available on Zola pick one and tweak it to your style just like I did with mine or you could even imlement your own theme.

To add the theme repository to your local project using the git submodule command:

git submodule add https://github.com/Speyll/anemone themes/anemone

Then, enable the theme in your config.toml file:

theme = "anemone"

This theme also requires the following configurations:

taxonomies = [
    # You can enable/disable RSS
    {name = "tags", feed = true}

Finally, set the top menu paths in config.toml:

# Customize the header navigation links with the following code in the extra section of config.toml:
en = { name = "/about/", url = "/about" }

en = { name = "/blogs", url = "/blogs" }

en = { name = "/tags/", url = "/tags" }

If all the above steps go smoothly, you should be able to see the main page with the newly applied theme!


Use github for version control, collaboration, code sharing, and continuous deployment:

git add .              
git commit -m "Finalize blog and ready for deployment"   
git push origin master  

Connect to Netlify:

Once your code is on GitHub:

Build Configuration:

Zola requires a specific build command to be executed on Netlify to ensure your site is constructed correctly.

wget -q -O - https://github.com/getzola/zola/releases/download/v0.17.2/zola-v0.17.2-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz | tar xvz -C . && ./zola build --base-url $DEPLOY_URL

After setting this command in the "Build command" field on Netlify, it will use it every time you push changes to your GitHub repository, automatically rebuilding and redeploying your site.


  1. By default, this theme doesn't paginate. If you wish to use pagination, enable it in content/_index.md:
paginate_by = 5
sort_by = "date"
  1. For those curious, below is a breakdown of the build command:
wget -q -O - https://github.com/getzola/zola/releases/download/v0.17.2/zola-v0.17.2-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz 
tar xvz -C . 
./zola build --base-url $DEPLOY_URL
  1. I later deployed this site on Github Pages because that customized domain name costs 70+ dollars after first year trial. Integrating Zola with Github Action is also fairly straightforward. You can check out their blog on how to deploy on Gihub: https://www.getzola.org/documentation/deployment/github-pages/.
